Porn Free Life – How To Stop Porn Addiction
Do you want to know how to stop watching porn and what happens when you quit porn? In today’s society, pornography has become more accessible
We provide workshops covering relevant topics for you, and those you influence, to thrive in our over-sexualised world.
Please select the workshop that you feel will be most beneficial for you at this stage in your life.
Blog | Get Encouraged
Do you want to know how to stop watching porn and what happens when you quit porn? In today’s society, pornography has become more accessible
Who are you? I’m an Educator, a Caucasian male, a husband, a father, a counsellor, a pastor, an exercise fanatic, a shame-breaker, a creative, an
Sexuality Matters with André
We will assist Educators, Pastoral Carers, Counselors, Parents, Children, or anyone who is interested in encouraging or wanting to live a Sexually healthy existence.